Feb 25, 2007
Welcome to Dummy in the HOV Lane ... Episode 23 of Light On Light Through ... in which we semi-seriously consider the case of man who was pulled over on Long Island, NY for driving with a dummy passenger in the HOV lane ... why would a sleeping person, a quiet person, a dullard-type dummy be ok, but not this life-like dummy? How about a dog, a chimp, or a snake plant?
Plus flashes ... lowly bacteria to the rescue again - they can make buildings more earthquake resistant ... Lost sinks further downhill ...Battlestar Galactica is diving ... and what's wrong with those Academy Award people - not letting Borat speak on Sunday night...
Helpful links:
web: http://paullevinson.info
blogs: http://InfiniteRegress.tv and http://www.myspace.com/twiceuponarhyme and
videoclips: http://www.youtube.com/user/PLev20062006
Light On Light Through podcast: http://paullev.libsyn.com
Levinson news clips podcast: http://Levinsonnews.podshow.com
Ask Lev 2-5 min pieces of advice on writing, succeeding, and tea
words and music by Paul
Levinson readings, performances,
recordings, and interviews about my music and fiction
live on radio (Sundays, 7:20am, Pacific time): www.knx1070.com
my short stories: at
The Silk Code - Locus Award, Best 1st Science Fiction Novel, 1999
The Plot to Save
Socrates - my latest novel
"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly
"Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News