Oct 13, 2007
One of the most serious issues of our time - pardon the pun - is
the FCC's unconstitutional crackdown on broadcasting for allegedly
"indecent" programming. The heavy fines levied by the FCC
made it impossible for Howard Stern to continue on traditional
radio. He had to watch everything he said.
Aug 26, 2007
this is a sponsored post
The two most important assets of any Web site are content and speed. You want to give your visitors exciting, fascinating, worthwhile things to see, read, or hear, and you want them to have access to these benefits as quickly as possible. Content is king and time is money on...
Aug 11, 2007
this is a sponsored post
How would I customize an address label?
In this case, not for myself, but a friend, Sierra Waters ... who is a time-traveller...
First, whether for me, or as a gift for family or friends, I would use Vista Print online for my personalized address labels. Vista Print lets you upload your own...
Aug 4, 2007
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It was Arthur C. Clarke who sagely observed that advanced technologies often seem indistinguishable from magic - they both do things so powerfully, so easily, so seemingly without effort. And some technologies are more powerful than others. For me, that would be sailing through the toll lines...
Aug 2, 2007
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The one advantage that old-fashioned paper has over our marvelous computers is that paper doesn't crash. A sudden, unexpected failure of your computer, with a loss of your data, is the Achilles heel of the digital revolution. That's why backup is so crucial.
And, of the all the kinds of...