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Light On Light Through

You'll hear a little of this and lot of that on Light On Light Through - my reviews of great television series and movies, my interviews with authors and creative media people and their interviews of me, my media theory and political commentary, thoughts about my favorite cars and food and space travel, discussions of my music, and a few of my readings from my science fiction stories. In the first years, starting in 2006, I put up a new episode at least once a month.  More recently, it became more or less often than once a month, usually less often.  But in the Summer of 2020, I began getting more in the mood to podcast, and I began publishing a new episode much more often  -- Paul Levinson 

24 October 2021: Interview about Light On Light Through podcast

26 December 2023: Chuck Todd interviews Paul Levinson about Alternate Realities on The Chuck Toddcast  

22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Apr 9, 2020

Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 124, in which I present the audio of the entire 1-hour virtual concert I did via Zoom at HELIOsphere: Beyond the Corona on the afternoon of April 4, 2004.  (You can get the video + audio of my concert here.)

I sing songs from Welcome Up: Songs of Space and Time (Old Bear Records, Light In the Attic Records) and from Twice Upon A Rhyme (HappySad Records, Beatball Records, Vivid Records, Whiplash Records), and several new songs not yet on any album.

Set list:

"Cloudy Sunday" from Welcome Up (words by Paul Levinson, music by Linda Kaplan Thaler)

"I Knew You By Heart" from Welcome Up (words by Paul Levinson, music by Peter Rosenthal)

"The Lama Will Be Late This Year" from Twice Upon A Rhyme (words by Paul Levinson, music by Ed Fox)

"Tau Ceti" from Welcome Up (words by Paul Levinson, music by John Anealio)

"Picture Postcard World" from Welcome Up (words & music by Paul Levinson)

"Samantha" (from Welcome Up) (words & music by Paul Levinson)

"If I Traveled to the Past" (from Welcome Up) (words by Paul Levinson, music by John Anealio)

"Lime Streets" (words & music by Paul Levinson)

"Looking for Sunsets (In the Early Morning)" from Twice Upon A Rhyme (words by Paul Levinson, music by Ed Fox)

"Alpha Centauri" from Welcome Up (words by Paul Levinson, music by Peter Rosenthal)

"Welcome Up" from Welcome Up (words & music by Paul Levinson)

"The Soft of Your Eyes" from Twice Upon A Rhyme (words & music by Paul Levinson)

"Pictures on the Phone" (words & music by Paul Levinson)


Welcome Up: Songs of Space and Time tracks produced by Chris Hoisington

all lead vocals by Paul Levinson

backing tracks: Chris Hoisington (harmonies), Jeremy Thompson (guitars, stand-up bass, mellotron, etc), Steve Padin (keyboard, drums), Anthony Hoisington (piano on Tau Ceti), Don Frankel (accordion on If I Traveled to the Past & Tau Ceti), Peter Rosenthal (guitar on Cloudy Sunday and Twice Upon a Rhyme tracks), Barbara Krupnick (piano on Cloudy Sunday), Paul Levinson (piano on Pictures on the Phone)

Welcome Up recording engineer: Ronnie Shrock

Welcome Up mixed and mastered: Evan Sieling

for HELIOsphere: Marc Grossman and thanks Liz Crefin

listen to complete album, free, on Bandcamp

and on Spotify

CDs here:

->  lyrics to all of the songs on the album on the CD page  <-

Light In the Attic vinyl Welcome Up: Songs of Space and Time

Twice Upon A Rhyme on Spotify

and on Bandcamp

Twice Upon A Rhyme original sealed 1972 vinyl HappySad Records